Let's Commit to Doubling Up on Self Care

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These times are unprecedented and particularly taxing for many empaths. It feels as though the world has been flipped upside down with the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing police brutality incidences and physical isolation. I spent the morning watering my plants when I realized that I am more consistent with nurturing my plants than I am with myself at times. Can you relate? How often do we neglect ourselves for the outside world? Do you tell yourself, you’ll do it later only to never do? This is the post for you then.

In retrospect, this pandemic is a blessing in disguise. I’ll go into detail in a separate post but for the sake of succinctness here: this is a sign from the universe to slow down and take care.

This week, let’s all commit to doubling up on self care. I think we absolutely need it. These trying times will only continue to deplete our energy if we let it. We can’t pour from an empty cup. Take time for self care. We can’t heal the world if we are broken inside.

The world needs healing and to see a change, we need to heal ourselves first. We need to eliminate the negative beliefs/stories in our minds and become more mindful of our thoughts. Self care has a huge focus on the physical body, but what about your mind? What do you do on a daily basis to nurture and heal your mind?

If you don’t have a set routine, here are some great suggestions to implement this week to truly double up on self care:

  1. Meditate/Be Mindful

    For those of you who already meditate, let’s aim to double up the duration of each session. For those who haven’t started, let’s focus on our breath and still the mind during meditation. Don’t expect perfection right away but show up and give yourself those 5-15+ minutes. This is a fantastic reset for the day or in moments of stress. Over time, the continued practice will alter your ability to be in the moment and immerse yourself in your being.

  2. Be Intentional with Nourishment

    Many of us don’t fully consider the impact of what we ingest when we rush around all day. If you are lucky to be home, take some time to mindfully craft your meals with unprocessed foods that nourish your body and soul. Avoid red meats and focus on plant-based foods for rejuvenation and clarity. Complex carbohydrates, legumes, vitamin and mineral rich vegetables and fruit are all fantastic incorporations. Hydrate, friends.

  3. Forgive and Let Go of the Past

    How many times do we cringe or beat ourselves up for past mistakes? How about when we catch ourselves being racially-biased or hateful? What happens when we experience something unjust, hateful or painful? It is time to let go of all our past beliefs and forgive yourself and others. The art of Ho’oponopono is a great self care method. This will heal yourself from within and positively impact your reality. There are four simple phrases we repeat with clear intentions: I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You and I am Grateful/Thank You. I promise you will see results with consistency.

  4. Disconnect and Reconnect

    Many of us are still in lockdown and feeling isolated as a result. My suggestion is to disconnect with social media for a set amount of time each day and reconnect with yourself. Many times we seek external stimulation or companionship to avoid the thoughts within ourselves. While it may feel difficult to be with yourself at first, I promise it is a gift that you will soon relish with practice. Take time to reaffirm your self-worth and value. Remind yourself how awesome you are and connect with your source and avoid negative thought patterns courtesy of the ego. Reinvest this time in yourself. Be a little selfish with your time instead of being on call all the time. Once you do this, your relationship with others will come from a much healthier place, even in lockdown.

  5. Joy x2

    Anything that brings you joy, do it double. Take more time to drink your tea. Consider taking more relaxing baths. Listen to uplifting music or whatever is the vibe may be. Continue to amplify moments of sanctuary and relish all of it. Happiness and peaceful moments in a chaotic world will surely recalibrate our vibrations and mindset. Practice gratitude for each breath and for the opportunity to live life healthy and sound.

I wish you success in doubling up with self care this week. Let me know which of these methods you’re most excited to implement. Is there anything that you currently do in your own self-care routine that I missed? Let me know in the comments below. Sending you love and healing energy during this time.


Christine Celine