How to Set Goals for 2020 and Actually Achieve Them


We’ve embarked on a new decade, let alone a new year. It’s officially the roaring twenties, again. While this is exciting, it's also anxiety-inducing at times. Many of us will be building our careers, getting married and even buying homes in this decade. Some of us may even opt to sell everything and travel the world or start a business. 2019 created the momentum that we can now use to start 2020 on a strong note. However, there’s a catch. New Year’s resolutions. Those promises we make to ourselves in the hopes that we start a positive habit or stop a toxic habit. It’s all fun and games until you realize that anyone rarely sees them through. 

In place of resolutions, I will be developing goals for 2020. Why may you ask? Goals involve actionable steps that one can work towards achieving. They are practical and doable oftentimes. There’s less pressure because you’re focused on the day to day rather than the outcome. With resolutions, the focus is on the end goal without any concern for how to get there. With goals, the focus is on what I can do today to achieve my results tomorrow.

Instead of resolving to stop eating unhealthy food, consider making it a goal to eat healthier. Start to eat at least 5 healthy meals a week. Once you achieve that, set a new target until you reach the overall goal of eating healthy. This tactic can be applied to almost anything you’re looking to achieve in the next year and beyond. That being said, my challenge to you is to set goals for 2020. No matter how big or small. I challenge you to start taking steps towards achieving whatever it is you hope to accomplish. I promise you that this technique will have you closer to your desired results.


How to Set Goals For 2020 and Actually Achieve Them

Envision the Outcome

Before we set any goals, it is imperative to review each area of you life to identify any changes you want to make. From there you need to envision the outcome. You can use a vision board or write it down, close your eyes and see yourself there. Focus on how that outcome makes you feel. Why is it you want this outcome? Once you pinpoint the feeling and the why, you will have a basis for your motivation. This will drive you in the coming months to keep going. Make sure that the goals are also realistic, doable and in your control. It will be much easier if there are less external factors that can change the outcome.

Plan in Quarters

Once the main goals are identified, it is time to break them down into manageable chunks. I like to break it up into quarters. Set up the first 90 days and think about what needs to be achieved. Which of those activities is most urgent? Once you figure out a couple of actions that need to be done, we can break it down further. The question becomes, what can I do today to reach my goal?

Be accountable and consistent

Once you figure out what needs to be done today, do it. Do it and then show up again and again, day after day. Consistency is key. Make yourself accountable. There are many ways to do so. Tell a friend about your goals, post a thread or blog on social media, develop a reward system. Whatever it takes to keep showing up day in and day out.

Review and Adjust

Once your first 90 days have elapsed, it is time to review and adjust. Pinpoint what went well and any systems that can be improved for the next quarter. That way you are working smarter and not harder to reach your goals. Adjust as needed and keep working towards the desired outcome.

I hope that this guide helps you get more on track for the new year. You can even watch my related YouTube video on How I Set Goals for 2020 to see my monthly/weekly planner! Now that you have a road map to setting goals, it is time to get out and accomplish each one. Let’s make 2020 our year! Happy New Year to you and yours and may we all get sh*t done!


Christine Celine